Being a landlady was probably the worst job I've ever had, and I've had some bad ones! My renters weren't even in the same state, but they lived rent free in my head for years. Oh, there were the tweakers who painted my incredibly beautiful, meticulously hand-detailed, striped dining room MAROON and then got the gas shut off and lived in the midwest winter in my beautiful home, more or less squatting... that was fun. So many terrible tenants. I also dislike living with people for the most part, but that's because most people are terrible to live with, no?

I was howling at your septic mention, MY GOD these infernal shit coffins are the worst.

It's astonishing to me that you are almost at NINE years at Tiny T. You've really made so much of that place, and I sure hope I can make it by to visit next time I am in Texas. I don't need to see what ruin my old place has fallen into, but yours thrills me.

Thank you for another fabulous read. I can see you cackling over Jenn's bad news mail, and it makes me cackle in turn.

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I know it will please you to know that now, any time I write the word *septic,* I immediately think of you! Haha. I very much look forward to your next visit to the ranch whenever it happens. Hopefully I’m not going anywhere for a while.

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Jun 18Liked by Spike Gillespie

I’m honored to know you found inspiration from the story. And, sigh, Obama, heavy sigh.

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Jun 18Liked by Spike Gillespie

A joy to read this morning. I laughed out loud with the “thanks Obama” situation. My dad (who’s currently 94) bought a new washing machine. new washing machines no longer have that “spinning clothes around” thing in the middle. He called me & was just going on & on about it because Obama had passed a law to no longer allow this thing and now his clothes weren’t getting cleaned properly! I laughed out loud! So “Thanks Obama!”

Thanks for writing these glimpses into your life-they calm me down. Take care~

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Jun 18Liked by Spike Gillespie

PS. It’s the agitator. It just takes me awhile sometimes

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Hahaha. I am going to use The Agitator as my pro wrestler name. Love it. It takes me longer to find words now, too. Obama sure ruined everything. 😂

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I am thinking of hosting a closet sale in our office parking lot in east Austin. Probably in August, cause you know, it is the hottest month of the year. But students will be returning. Thoughts? You game to play? Share with your friends?

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I’ll definitely share with friends. I am not sure yet if I can be outside in the heat myself. Please keep me posted.

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Somehow this cheered me up but I'm sorry that you have to deal with these lunatics.

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This was a fun one to read. Glad that your current tenants are keeping things peaceful! Also, I totally remember the gay couple from Smithville. What. a. twist.

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Come to think of it, they entered my life because the one was a spinner. As you know, that entire period of my life was so fraught and so bizarro—it all seems like a super crazy dream. But when I think back on those young men, before it went pear shaped with them, I actually felt good about how we could be so politically different and co-exist peacefully. Proof, for a while anyway, that when I focus on the commonalities I feel better about people. They really were lovely to have around until that abruptly stopped. I am SO GLAD it’s peaceful now.

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