"an ‘89 Toyota wagon spray painted gold on the outside and red on the inside like an Italian restaurant" - what a delight to read this morning. Glad your son is okay. Very impressed with your automotive skilils!
Thank you! I lost my interest in automotive stuff when everything went electronic. I sure loved how, in the old days, one could sometimes use a hammer which, when banged just so on just the right spot, would magically revive a dead engine. I miss those days.
Old cars, old trucks, Explorers, many in my life and Chefson's too! I share the angst of living far away from my One and only too, who left Austin (Born in, at age 33, 5 years ago only a few months after buying his first car, a 1999 Explorer that had been most recently used as a work truck by a painter. For a whopping $400! Located by my DH, mechanic and sometime procurer of fine rides...I'll ask him if he knows of any small trucks. He once had a Mazda, when they made pretty good ones. My fave personal truck was a '55 Chevy flatbed with dualy wheels. The better to firewood and lumber in rural Arkansas. son John is still driving it, after letting it take him to Louisville, KY, 4 + years ago now! What a crazy world! I'm hoping to get to KY to see him in April, but won't be driving 'Lil Red, my '96 Miata. I loved having a guy with a truck but for me, it's always been about something I could drive with the top down... I love "Rapist in Chief" I will use that too, if you don't mind!
I’m glad you son is safe, too! It’s odd how such random events can bring loss but also gratitude for what did not happen, what is still safe. Something to hold onto for the coming year, for sure!
"an ‘89 Toyota wagon spray painted gold on the outside and red on the inside like an Italian restaurant" - what a delight to read this morning. Glad your son is okay. Very impressed with your automotive skilils!
Thank you! I lost my interest in automotive stuff when everything went electronic. I sure loved how, in the old days, one could sometimes use a hammer which, when banged just so on just the right spot, would magically revive a dead engine. I miss those days.
Ha yes I’ve also largely abandoned the urge to tinker with cars unless I YouTube it and feel like it’s something worth tackling.
Old cars, old trucks, Explorers, many in my life and Chefson's too! I share the angst of living far away from my One and only too, who left Austin (Born in, at age 33, 5 years ago only a few months after buying his first car, a 1999 Explorer that had been most recently used as a work truck by a painter. For a whopping $400! Located by my DH, mechanic and sometime procurer of fine rides...I'll ask him if he knows of any small trucks. He once had a Mazda, when they made pretty good ones. My fave personal truck was a '55 Chevy flatbed with dualy wheels. The better to firewood and lumber in rural Arkansas. son John is still driving it, after letting it take him to Louisville, KY, 4 + years ago now! What a crazy world! I'm hoping to get to KY to see him in April, but won't be driving 'Lil Red, my '96 Miata. I loved having a guy with a truck but for me, it's always been about something I could drive with the top down... I love "Rapist in Chief" I will use that too, if you don't mind!
I really love how much you love cars! And feel free to call him that. It’s the truth.
I’m glad you son is safe, too! It’s odd how such random events can bring loss but also gratitude for what did not happen, what is still safe. Something to hold onto for the coming year, for sure!
I can annoy others with my _happiness_ to sidetrack. :) THANK YOU for sharing the BEAUTY of your sidetrack. Sidetrack beauty….HURRAH!!!
Oh I love that!! Thank you. And Happy New Year!